Dr. Doo Yong Park

President, Korean Occupational Safety and Health Authority, Republic of Korea

TS2 - Regulating OSH in future of work - New forms of work, workers, employers, workplaces and working relationships

Labour markets, business models and technology are changing at a fast pace. New forms of work using new technologies such as platforms, the increase of self-employed and often blurred employment status and the interconnection between companies at national and cross border level makes it difficult for regulators to effectively govern occupational safety and health, both in terms of responsiveness of legislation as well as the regulatory capacity of compliance mechanisms. The technical session will debate these challenges and introduce innovative practices on how are countries preparing for the future of work.

Joaquim Pintado Nunes, Switzerland

William Cockburn, Spain
Valerio de Stefano, Belgium
Angela Herrera, Colombia
Richard Judge, United Kingdom
Stephanie Klaus, United States of America
Doo Yong Park, Republic of Korea (TBC)
Alan Stevens, United Kingdom
Jukka Takala, Finland

Live : 20/09/2021 - 10:30 EDT - 12:15 EDT
Rerun : 20/09/2021 - 20:30 EDT - 22:15 EDT