Dr. Emilie Counil

Tenured Researcher, INED, France

Dr. Counil's research focuses on how the practices and uses of epidemiology can contribute to the non-emergence of certain public health problems, or to the non-intervention in the face of well-identified problems, such as work-related cancers. On the other hand, they aim to develop quantitative and mixed methods to document work-related health problems and their social stratification over time.

SYM13 - New thinking about the prevention of occupational cancer    
Lead: Canada; Organizer: OCRC

The burden of occupational cancer continues to grow, despite the fact exposures responsible for occupational cancer are well known and solutions are available to control these exposures. This session will focus on innovative approaches to applying these solutions to achieve safe and healthy work for all. 

Join the Conversation Café following the session to continue the discussion with speakers and ask questions.

Paul Demers, Canada  

Eduardo Algranti, Brazil 
Emilie Counil, France 
Hugh Davies, Canada  
Lesley Rushton, United Kingdom

Live - 21/09/2021 - 13:45 EDT - 15:15 EDT
Rerun - 21/09/2021 - 23:45 EDT - 22/09/2021 - 01:15 EDT