Dr. Imelda Wong

Coordinator, Center for Work and Fatigue Research, CDC/NIOSH, United States of America

Dr. Imelda Wong is the Coordinator of the Center for Work and Fatigue Research and a subject matter expert on fatigue and fatigue risk management at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. She has also served as an Executive Board member for the Working Time Society of the International Commission of Occupational Health since 2012.

Imelda has recently been a guest editor of the journal, Industrial Health, for a special issue on health and safety risks associated with nonstandard work hours and fatigue. These series of papers provide international consensus statements regarding the current state of research, guidance for effective interventions to mitigate adverse outcomes from nonstandard working hours and suggestions for future directions.

SYM11 - Real Time OSH: Digital tools and knowledge  
Lead: Canada, ILO; Organizer: Canada, ILO

Information technology can improve workplace recognition, control, and regulation of OSH hazards, risks and working conditions. This session will focus on leading digital OSH tools and evidence-based online prevention resources. 

Louise Logan, Canada 

Lucia Botti, Italy 
Duane D'sa, Canada 
Edwin Galea, United Kingdom 
Jacqui McLaughlin, United Kingdom
Syed Wajid Ali Shah, Pakistan 
Imelda Wong, United States of America 

Live : 21/09/2021 - 13:45 EDT - 15:15 EDT
Rerun : 21/09/2021 - 23:45 EDT- 22/09/2021 - 01:15 EDT