Dr. Sanjoy Chowdhury

Director, Medical Health, Burnpur Hospital, Steel Authority of India, India

Dr Sanjoy Chowdhury, M.S. (OPTHAL), DO, DNB, DSc (HON) is the Director (M&HS) In-Charge of the Ophthalmology Department at Bokaro General Hospital, India. He has received degrees from Calcutta Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University, and Delhi University in India. He holds a Doctor of Science (Hon.DSc).

Most recently, he has held positions of Senior Deputy Director (Medical & Health Services), Joint Director (Medical & Health Services) at Bokaro General Hospital in India, before becoming the Director in 2018.
He has more than 50 publications, given more than 200 presentations, and has won more than 20 awards in Ophthalmology including: best papers, videos, posters, and the International Scholar Award from AAO. He has also receive prestigious fellowships from the ICO, WHO, and AIOS.

SYM21 - Vulnerability: the informal economy, migrant workers, and new & young workers    
Lead: Canada; Organizer: UNIFOR

OSH vulnerability – defined by exposure to hazards in contexts of inadequate workplace policies and practices – is more common among specific groups of workers: migrants, new and young workers and workers in the informal economy. This symposium will examine regulatory innovations to strengthen protection in the context of vulnerability. 

Sari Sairanen, Canada 

Sanjoy Chowdhury, India  
Jinky Leilanie Lu, Philippines 
Florence Moyo, Zimbabwe (TBC)
Cheryl Peters, Canada 
Ela Rydz, Canada
Yogindra Samant, Norway 

Live : 21/09/2021 - 13:45 EDT - 15:15 EDT
Rerun : 21/09/2021 - 23:45 EDT - 22/09/2021 01:15 EDT