International Media Festival for Prevention

Since 1990 the International Media Festival for Prevention has been an integral part of the World Congress on Safety & Health at Work. It is jointly coordinated by the ISSA Electricity and Information Sections. The Media Festival offers an overview of films and multimedia productions about safety and health at work from all over the world and provides an opportunity for participants to present their products to a major group of influential international safety and health professionals. The Media Festival seeks to demonstrate that successful prevention work requires good communication, to which outstanding media can contribute significantly. For the XXII World Congress, the IMFP received a record number of 289 submitted entries. The IMFP Jury chose 48 shortlisted entries and from these, they have chosen 18 entries that were nominated for a prize. The six winners were awarded during the Special Media Session on September 22, 2021. Also, a special viewing of the 18 nominated entries took place at the IMFP Watch Party on September 21, 2021. All entries are available at

Winners of the International Media Festival for Prevention:

Group 1 : Fatal Attraction

Day of Mourning Videos, Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (Ontario), Canada

Group 2 : Music is the Key

SIFAR (Zero), Social Security Organization, Malaysia

Group 3 : Serious Fun

Don’t be wild (“Nie bądź dziki”), Raben Group, Poland

Group 5 : Tell me a story

Killer on the loose, NLG – Never Let Go, United Kingdom

Group 6 : Walk a mile in their shoes

SAFE Work Manitoba – Level Up 2.0, Changemakers, Canada (Ontario), Canada

International Media Festival for Prevention

Since 1990 the International Media Festival for Prevention has been an integral part of the World Congress on Safety & Health at Work. It is jointly coordinated by the ISSA Electricity and Information Sections. The Media Festival offers an overview of films and multimedia productions about safety and health at work from all over the world and provides an opportunity for participants to present their products to a major group of influential international safety and health professionals. The Media Festival seeks to demonstrate that successful prevention work requires good communication, to which outstanding media can contribute significantly. For the XXII World Congress, the IMFP received a record number of 289 submitted entries. The IMFP Jury chose 48 shortlisted entries and from these, they have chosen 18 entries that were nominated for a prize. The six winners were awarded during the Special Media Session on September 22, 2021. Also, a special viewing of the 18 nominated entries took place at the IMFP Watch Party on September 21, 2021. All entries are available at

Winners of the International Media Festival for Prevention:

Group 1 : Fatal Attraction

Day of Mourning Videos, Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (Ontario), Canada

Group 2 : Music is the Key

SIFAR (Zero), Social Security Organization, Malaysia

Group 3 : Serious Fun

Don’t be wild (“Nie bądź dziki”), Raben Group, Poland

Group 5 : Tell me a story

Killer on the loose, NLG – Never Let Go, United Kingdom

Group 6 : Walk a mile in their shoes

SAFE Work Manitoba – Level Up 2.0, Changemakers, Canada (Ontario), Canada