Mr. Carl Heinlein

Senior Safety Consultant, American Contractors Insurance Group, United States of America

Mr. Heinlein joined American Contractors Insurance Group (ACIG) in February 2002, where he contributes to the successful safety initiatives of multiple construction clients. Prior to this, Mr. Heinlein worked as the Director of Construction Services for FDR Safety. He is also the past National Safety & Health Director for the Associated General Contractors (AGC) of America.

Mr. Heinlein holds a Master's degree in Safety & Environmental Management from West Virginia University and the ARM, CIT, CPEA, CRIS, CSHM, CSP, FAIHA, FASSP, OHST, STSC safety, health, environmental and risk management credentials.

Mr. Heinlein volunteers his time as a member of the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) Construction Sector. He also sits on the editorial advisory board for Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) magazine. Mr. Heinlein served as National Director-At-Large for the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) from 2017 to 2020, and is a past President of the Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP). Mr. Heinlein was awarded the BCSP’s Certified Safety Professional 2019 Award of Excellence.

SYM7 (Formerly S25) - The impact of digitalisation on OSH in global transportation and logistics - Possibilities for the success of the Vision Zero strategy

Every year the lives of approximately 1.25 million people are cut short as a result of a road traffic crash. Between 20 and 50 million more people suffer non-fatal injuries, with many incurring a disability as a result of their injury. This symposium will look to technological developments and to promising approaches to strengthening a culture of prevention for the way forward to Vision Zero. 

Nadja Schilling, Germany 

Mohammed Azman Aziz Mohammed, Malaysia 
Sashikala Chandrasekar, India 
Sujoy Dey, Canada 
Carl Heinlein, United States of America 
Peter Schwaighofer, Austria 

Live : 20/09/2021 - 14:45 EDT - 16:15 EDT
Rerun : 22/09/2021 - 20:30 EDT - 22:15 EDT