Mr. Luiz Carlos Lumbreras

Senior Labour Inspector, Under-Secretariat of Labour Inspection, Brazil

Mr. Lumbreras is a Labour Inspector in Brazil. He is a Chemical Engineer with specialization course in engineering safety and a Bachelor Degree in Law with a Master’s degree in Industrial and Employment Relations.

During his 22 years as a Labour Inspector, he has held senior positions in Brazil such as: General Manager of Supervision and Projects at the Department of Labour Inspection at the national level, Coordinator of the National Labour Inspection Group of Infrastructure Works for the National Labour Inspectorate of Brazil; representative of the Brazilian Labour Inspection in several National Tripartite Standing Committees: Electrical Safety, Garments for Protection against Thermal Effects of Arc Flash and Flash Fire; Building and Ship Repair, Construction; Work at Heights. He is a manager and facilitator of training courses for labour inspectors in Brazil and for labour inspectors and managers from developing countries in cooperation with ITC ILO.

Before joining the public sector, Mr. Lumbreras was responsible in an active pharmaceutical ingredients private company for carrying out audits of suppliers and technology companies, surveying companies in Brazil, United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, India and China.

SYM1 - Innovation of OSH governance - Institutions responsible for standards setting and compliance

In the context of rapidly changing forms of work organization and work practices, this session will overview innovations in safety and health administration in institutions responsible for OSH compliance.

Joaquim Pintado Nunes, Switzerland

Duncan Shaw, Canada
Luis Carlos Lumbreras, Brazil
Kateryna Kuznetsova, Russian Federation
Zhao Li, United States of America
Kevin Myers, United Kingdom
Silas Sng, Singapore
Johan van Middelaar, Netherlands
Selçuk Yasar, Turkey

Live : 20/09/2021 - 14:45 EDT - 16:15 EDT
Rerun : 21/09/2021 - 00:45 EDT - 02:15 EDT