Mr. Michel Rodrigue

President and CEO, Mental Health Commission of Canada, Canada

Michel joined the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) in 2015, bringing a wealth of management experience and a unique mix of expertise in performance management, stakeholder relations, finance and accounting, and communications.

In his former role as MHCC’s Vice President of Organizational Performance and Public Affairs, Michel brought these elements together as the architect of the MHCC’s new 10-year strategic plan, Answering the Call, which he oversaw from its inception.

Michel is driven by his commitment to the principle of mental health for all —where people have equitable access to recovery-oriented, evidence-based, culturally adapted mental health care, when are where they need it.

Before joining the Commission, Michel enjoyed a wide-ranging career in management consulting and public affairs, serving as CIO of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada, Press Secretary to the Premier of Ontario, and as president of several independent firms.

A lifelong learner, Michel earned an Executive MBA from the Université du Québec in Montréal; CPA, CMA designation (Chartered Professional Accountant/Certified Management Accountant); a graduate diploma in financial accounting and management accounting from the Université du Québec in Outaouais; and a Bachelor of Arts (History) from Laurentian University.

SYM3 - Psychosocial factors and developments in mental health at work

This symposium will focus on the prevention of psychosocial risks at work, as well as the challenges of managing mental health in the workplace. Leading examples involving standards, regulations and workplace practices will be highlighted.

Liz Horvath, Canada

Charlotte Grevfors Ernoult, Luxembourg
Janet Nwaogu, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China
Michel Rodrigue, Canada
Joti Samra, Canada
Steve Tizzard, Canada
Sue Weston, Australia

Live : 20/09/2021 - 14:45 EDT - 16:15 EDT
Rerun : 21/09/2021 - 00:45 EDT - 02:15 EDT