Ms. Maïa Foulis

Editor - Canadian Occupational Safety, Key Media, Canada

Maïa Foulis is Editor of Canadian Occupation Safety (COS) magazine. She contributes to and oversees the content of the magazine, website and newsletter. Canadian Occupational Safety has been in circulation for almost 60 years and covers all things relating to workplace health and safety.

For the last 11 years, COS has also held its annual Canada’s Safest Employers Awards, which champion Canada’s leading OHS organizations and individuals. Maïa assists with COS events such as the CSE Awards, Safety Leaders and Women in Safety.

She joined Key Media in 2020, having previously worked in the UK and in France in media and publishing. She writes about all issues currently affecting the Canadian occupational health and safety sector. She also has previous experience researching and writing about the Canadian labour and employment legal market."


SYM9 - Building a strong OSH culture: workplace stories

This session will profile stories from Canada and around the world illustrating successful approaches to building strong workplace prevention cultures. Join the Conversation Café following the session to continue the discussion with speakers and ask questions.
Program information in the Congress languages can be found here.

Adrian Cook, Canada

Naziadin Abd Ghani, Malaysia
Chris Atchison, Canada
Maia Foulis, Canada
Britta Schmitt-Howe, Germany
Ricardo Vyhmeister, Chile

Live - 20/09/2021  - 14:45 EDT - 16:15 EDT
Rerun - 21/09/2021 - 00:45 EDT - 02:15 EDT