Be sure to attend the Closing Session, and experience highlights of the XXII World Congress, along with a few final surprises. We will close with a handover to the Organizers of the XXIII World Congress on Safety and Health at Work.
Lois Lee, Canada
Cameron Mustard, IWH, Canada
Anne Tennier, CCOHS, Canada
Guy Ryder,ILO, Switzerland
Joachim Breuer, ISSA, Germany
Andrew Gavrielatos, SafeWork NSW, Austrailia
Vera Paquete-Perdigão, ILO, Switzerland
Hanna Sarkkinen, Finland
Live : 23/09/2021 - 10:30 EDT - 11:30 EDT
Rerun : 23/09/2021 - 20:30 EDT - 21:30 EDT