Prof. Victoria Arrandale

Assistant Professor, University of Toronto, Canada

Victoria Arrandale is an Assistant Professor in the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto and the Associate Director of the Occupational Cancer Research Centre. Dr. Arrandale’s research focusses on the measurement of workplace exposures and the assessment of exposure in occupational epidemiology. Her work has examined exposures in a variety of workplaces including mining, construction, nail salons and electronic waste recycling facilities.

SYM20 - OSH challenges in the green economy   
Lead: ISSA, Canada; Organizer: ISSA Chemistry Section, BG RCI, CLC, IRSST

Employment in the renewable energy and recycling industries is growing rapidly in the developed and developing world. This symposium will overview OSH hazards in these sectors and highlight innovative control practices. 

Tara Peel, Canada   

Victoria Arrandale, Canada 
Repon Chowdhury, Bangladesh  
Patricia Dirrenberger, France 
Oswald Losert, Germany 
Jessica Ramsey, United States of America

Live - 22/09/2021 - 13:45 EDT - 15:15 EDT
Rerun - 22/09/2021 - 23:45 EDT - 23/09/2021 - 01:15 EDT