Mr. Vic van Vuuren

Director of Enterprises, International Labour Organization

After completing a law degree Victor started his working career at the South African Department of Justice. Thereafter he moved into the private sector as a corporate legal advisor and human resources director at executive level in large corporates. Victor later helped establish a unified South African business federation, Business Unity South Africa, and was appointed as the first Chief Operations Officer. In February 2009 Victor was appointed as the Director: International Labour Organization, Southern and Eastern Africa covering 23 countries. In January 2016 Victor was appointed as the Director Enterprises Department at the International Labour organisation Office, Geneva.

Victor is currently the chairman of COPAC (The Committee for the Promotion and Advancement of Cooperatives), the UNTFSSE (United Nations Task Force of the Social and Solidarity Economy), chairman of the PAGE Management Board (Partnership for Action in the Green Economy) and member of the Capitals Coalition Supervisory Board. Victor served on the South African Council for Higher Education, the National Economic Development and Labour Council, the International Labour Organisation Governing Body, the Council of the Pan African Employers’ Confederation and the South African Power Utility Research Advisory Board.


8:00 - 10:00 am EDT / 12:00 – 14:00 pm UTC / 14:00 – 16:00 pm CEST
ISSA Special Session: Global Forum for Work Injury Insurance

The Global Forum gathers leading experts and researchers from social security institutions to discuss prevention related questions for workers compensation boards and occupational accident insurance schemes. The Forum focusses on various topics dedicated to prevention, communication, innovation, sustainability and resilience. This year, the Forum will address responses to pandemics outbreaks and extreme events such as the COVID-19. It will be hosted by the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation with honourable support of the XXII World Congress on Safety and Health Organizers, the International Social Security Association and its ISSA Technical Commission on Insurance against Employment Accidents and Occupational Diseases. We are also pleased to welcome the regional organizations, bringing together social security institutions that are providing insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases.

Mr. Marcelo Abi-Ramia Caetano, Secretary General, International Social Security Association
Mr. Andrey Pudov, State Secretary – Deputy Minister, Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation
Mr. Phillip Germain, Chief Executive Officer, Saskatchewan Workers’ Compensation Board, Canada
Mr. Alexey Polikashin, Deputy Chairman, Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation
Mr. Vic van Vuuren, Director of Enterprises, International Labour Organization
Dr. Edlyn Hoeller, Deputy Director-General, German Social Accident Insurance
Dr. Irene C. Isaka, Secretary General, East and Central Africa Social Security Association
Mr. Dong-Heon Kim, Director of IT, Korea Workers' Compensation & Welfare Service
Dr. Stefan Hussy, Director-General, German Social Accident Insurance, Chair of the International Social Security Association Technical Commission on Insurance against Employment Accidents and Occupational Diseases
Ms. Evelyn McGill, President, International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions

English and Russian

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9:00 - 11:00 am EDT / 13:00 – 15:00 pm UTC / 15:00 – 17:00 pm CEST
ILO Special Session: Preparing for Decent Work through Safety and Health in the New Normal

The session will explore the intersected relationships between occupational safety and health, business continuity and resilience, employment and labour rights in a context of COVID-19. It will debate the short and medium-term role of safety and health at work in the definition of economic and social policy responses to build back better.

The first panel will debate how safety and health at work will continue to support effective response against COVID-19 contagion, preparations for recovery and, in addition, to being a key contributing factor for quality job creation, retention and strengthening of national social dialogue. Further, panelists will inform on how the International Labour Organization has made use of the integrated policy approach and how the diverse dimensions interact for a safe and sustainable recovery, highlighting as possible practical examples. The panel will further look into the future with particular focus on how countries and workplace can be better prepared in addressing any future safety and health challenges of a global nature.

The second panel will highlight the importance of a consistent and coordinated global approach to address worldwide occupational safety and health challenges, including COVID-19. The session will show case the example of the Global Coalition for Safety and Health at Work and will invite panelists to a dialogue on opportunities and challenges of this type of initiative, and how they envisage in the Coalitions’ work the intersect of occupational safety and health with other variables covering labour rights, employment and economic growth.

Ms. Martha Newton, Deputy Director-General for Policy, International Labour Organization

Round Table One: Integrated policy approach for safe work in a COVID-19 and recovery period: the ILO experience - Speakers :
Ms. Corinne Vargha, Director, International Labour Standards Department, International Labour Organization
Mr. Vic Van Vuuren, Director, Enterprises Department, International Labour Organization
Dr. Sangheon Lee, Director, Employment Department, International Labour Organization
Ms. Manuela Tomei, Director, WorkQuality Department, International Labour Organization
Ms. Vera Paquete-Perdigão, Governance and Tripartism Department, International Labour Organization
Mr. Vinicius Pinheiro, Regional Director, Latin America and the Caribbean, International Labour Organization

View of Social Partners - Speakers:
Mr. Kris de Meester, International Organization of Employers (Global Coalition Steering Committee Member)
Mr. Owen Tudor, Deputy General Secretary, International Trade Union Confederation, Belgium

Round Table Two: Multidisciplinary and multilateral action for common problems: the case of the Global Coalition for Safety and Health at Work - Speakers:
Mr. William Cockburn, Head of Prevention and Research Unit, European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (Global Coalition task group on occupational safety and health and the Future of Work)
Dr. Johannes Siegrist, Senior professor, Centre for Health and Society, Heinrich-Heine University, Germany (Global coalition task group on promotion of SDG work and productive employment through higher education)
Mr. Tommi Alanko, Director, Institute of Occupational Health, Finland (Global Coalition task group on vision zero at enterprise level)
Mr. Antonio Cammarota, Principal Administrator, DG EMPL/B3, European Commission (Global Coalition task group on multiregional occupational safety and health data systems)
Dr. Jukka Takala, President, International Commission of Occupational Health

Mr. Joaquim Pintado Nunes, Chief, Labour Administration, Labour Inspection and Occupational Safety and Health Branch, International Labour Organization

Ms. Conny Czymoch, cc Media

English, French and Spanish