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Speaker Profiles
Ms. Salima Admi
Director of Labour, Ministry of Labour and Professional Integration, Morocco
Dr. Tommi Alanko
Director, Institute of Occupational Health, Finland
Dr. Mohammed Azman Aziz Mohammed
Chief Executive Officer, Social Security Organisation, Malaysia
Mr. John Beckett
Vice President, Operations, British Columbia Maritime Employers Association, Canada
Prof. Dr. Joachim Breuer
President, International Social Security Association
Mr. Marcelo Abi-Ramia Caetano
Secretary General, International Social Security Association
Mr. Antonio Cammarota
Principal Administrator, DG EMPL/B3, European Commission
Mr. Aminur Rashid-Repon Chowdhury
Executive Director, Bangladesh Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Foundation
Mr. William Cockburn
Head of Prevention and Research Unit, European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Ms. Marie Clarke Walker
Secretary-Treasurer, Canadian Labour Congress
Ms. Conny Czymoch
Moderator, cc Media
Mr. Kris De Meester
Senior Advisor, Federation of Enterprises, Belgium
Mr. Helmut Ehnes
Chairman, International Social Security Association VISION ZERO Steering Committee
Prof. Dr. Walter Eichendorf
President, German Road Safety Council (DVR), Germany
Mr. Andrew Gavrielatos
Executive Director, Community Engagement, SafeWork NSW, Australia
Mr. Phillip Germain
Chief Executive Officer, Saskatchewan Workers’ Compensation Board, Canada
Dr. Youcef Ghellab
Head, Social Dialogue Unit, International Labour Organization
Dr. Viviana Gómez Sánchez
President, Latin-American Association of Occupational Health, Costa Rica
Mr. José Raul González
Chief Executive Officer, Cementos Progreso
Dr. Bill Gunnyeon
Chair of the Board of Trustees, Institution of Occupational Safety and Health, United Kingdom
Ms. Martina Hesse-Spötter
Chair of the International Social Security Association Special Commission on Prevention and President of the International Social Security Association Electricity Section
Er. Ho Siong Hin
Senior Director (International WSH) & Vice Dean (School of Regulation), MOM Academy, Occupational Safety and Health Division, Ministry of Manpower, Singapore
Dr. Edlyn Hoeller
Deputy Director-General, German Social Accident Insurance
Dr. Stefan Hussy
Director-General, German Social Accident Insurance, Chair of the International Social Security Association Technical Commission on Insurance against Employment Accidents and Occupational Diseases
Mr. Derrick Hynes
President and Chief Executive Officer of FETCO (Federally Regulated Employers – Transportation and Communications)
Dr. Irene C. Isaka
Secretary General, East and Central Africa Social Security Association
Prof. Dr. Seong-Kyu Kang, MD, PhD
Professor, Gachon University Gil Medical Centre and Vice President, International Commission on Occupational Health, Republic of Korea
Mr. Dong-Heon Kim
Director of IT, Korea Workers' Compensation & Welfare Service
Prof. Brou Yves Yéboué Kouamé
Director, Social Insurance Institute - National Social Insurance Fund (CNPS), Côte d’Ivoire
Ms. Lois Lee
Anchor & News Reporter, CTV News, Canada
Dr. Sangheon Lee
Director, Employment Department, International Labour Organization
Prof. Stavroula Leka
Professor of Work Organization & Well-being, Cork University Business School, Ireland
Prof. Dr. Katherine Lippel
Distinguished Research Chair on Occupational Health and Safety Law, University of Ottawa, Canada
Ms. Louise Logan, BA, JD
National Director of the XXII World Congress on Safety & Health at Work, Canada
Dr. Elizabeth Lungu-Nkumbula
Board Chairperson, ENVIS Consulting Limited, Zambia
Ms. Evelyn McGill
President, International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions
Prof. Dr. Cameron Mustard
President, Institute for Work & Health and Chair, International Organizing Committee, XXII World Congress on Safety and Health at Work, Canada
Ms. Martha Newton
Deputy Director-General for Policy, International Labour Organization
Mr. Joaquim Pintado Nunes
Chief, Labour Administration, Labour Inspection and Occupational Safety and Health Branch, International Labour Organization
Ms. Vera Paquete-Perdigão
Director of the Governance and Tripartism Department, International Labour Organization
Mr. Rakesh Patry
Director General of International and Intergovernmental Labour Affairs, Employment and Social Development, Government of Canada
Ms. Tara Peel
National Representative, Health, Safety & Environment, Canadian Labour Congress, Canada
Dr. Dheera Phong-anant
Manager, OSH Development & International Relations Center, SHAWPAT, Thailand
Mr. Vinicius Pinheiro
Regional Director, Latin America and the Caribbean, International Labour Organization
Mr. Alexey Polikashin
Deputy Chairman, Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation
Mr. Andrey Pudov
State Secretary – Deputy Minister, Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation
Mr. Emad Rizkalla
Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Bluedrop Performance Learning, Canada
Mr. Guy Ryder
Director-General, International Labour Organization
Dr. Elke Schneider
Senior Project Manager, European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, Spain
Prof. Dr. Andrew Sharman
President, Institution of Occupational Safety and Health, United Kingdom
Dr. Johannes Siegrist
Senior professor, Centre for Health and Society, Heinrich-Heine University, Germany
Mr. Roberto Suárez Santos
Secretary-General, International Organisation of Employers
Dr. Jukka Takala
President, International Commission of Occupational Health
The Honourable Minister Filomena Tassi
Minister of Labour, Government of Canada
Ms. Anne Tennier, P.Eng., EP
President and Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Ms. Manuela Tomei
Director, WorkQuality Department, International Labour Organization
Mr. Bernd Treichel
Senior Technical Specialist in Prevention, International Social Security Association
Mr. Owen Tudor
Deputy General Secretary, International Trade Union Confederation, Belgium
Ms. Corinne Vargha
Director, International Labour Standards Department, International Labour Organization
Mr. Vic van Vuuren
Director of Enterprises, International Labour Organization
Ms. Elizabeth Witmer
Chair, Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, Canada
Mr. Holger Zingsheim
Head of Communication, BG ETEM (German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the energy, textile, electrical and media products sectors)